Free Ivy Removal (January 2021) REGISTRATION Full!!!
Edit: We are fully booked for this month. Please join our waiting list by clicking here: Ivy Removal Waiting List
English Ivy, Hedera helix, is an opportunistic plant species in Georgia capable of smothering plants and causing large tree to fall down prematurely.
Although we are a food-based company, we also want to protect Atlanta's beautiful tree canopy that provides shades for gardeners and food for wildlife.
For the month of January 2021, we will provide free ivy removal for residents of the City of Atlanta.
The service is donation-based, so you can pay what you can afford. Market-rate is $20-50/tree, depending on the size and quantity of ivy vines.
This offer includes the removal of English Ivy from the 3 largest trees on your property. We will cut the vines from chest-height down to the ground in order to kill all of the vines on the upper part of the tree. The vines, above the cut, will slowly die from lack of water and nutrients. Click here today to reserve your spot on the calendar or email or SCROLL DOWN THIS PAGE to select a date and time!
Large ivy can be removed with the proper tools.